The Curate Collective

Curate your space. Curate your life. Curate your business.

A monthly membership programme where CREATIVITY is reignited in EVERYONE!

(Yes, that includes you!)

A space where business, interiors and creativity collide.

With me, Kate 😁

Four Benefits of Creativity for your Business

  1. Encourages innovation

  2. Boosts productivity

  3. Allows for adaptability

  4. Fosters growth

By Harvard Business School Online

Are you a business owner who wants to improve your business?

Do you love interior design and being creative (but just don’t do it enough)?

WOuld you like more ‘me time’ (especially if it also benefits your business)?

Then I’ve got you covered!

Want to join The Curate Collective?

Next intake: Sept 2023!

  • Boost your business skills AND your wellbeing with regular creativity tasks.

  • Strengthen your creativity muscle and see how it impacts your problem-solving skills and revenue-generating ideas!

  • Feel inspired to create an interior for yourself (or your business) which you are proud of, which makes you smile and which feels like ‘you’.


I am here to:

  1. Share my INTERIORS knowledge, advice & tips for creating your own awesome space!

  2. Give you regular CREATIVITY TASKS to benefit you & your business.

  3. Provide INSPIRATION and INNOVATIVE ideas on interiors AND creativity.

The Three Pillars of my Approach

All combined in perfect harmony = A Better YOU and a Better BUSINESS.

“Creativity is an important aspect of any business, and it can provide a range of benefits that are often overlooked. Creativity can help businesses stand out from the competition, develop unique products and services, and even increase profits.”

Occo London - Tools for creative entrepreneurs

“The creative process involves asking questions or looking at problems from diverse perspectives. These qualities can help promote more productive brainstorming and collaboration.” ‘The importance of Creativity for Business’

What’s Included


Regular ‘Creative Challenges’ (nothing too taxing!), aimed at giving you space and time out.

Think about nothing or think about something - It’s up to you! There’s no right or wrong here.


Regular live sessions where you get to pick my Interior Design filled brain! Make use of me!

We may have specific themes each session, or just an eclectic bunch of interior woes! You get to decide.


Is there anything better than a group of people who are all passionate about the same thing?

A private group of like-minded, business creatives (and yes, you’ll become a ‘creative’ as soon you join!)


I’ll be literally feeding you with inspo and innovative ideas for your interiors AND your creativity!

All the good stuff I find - articles, blogs, bargains, jaw-droppingly amazing places etc - coming for ya!


It’s always nice to save a few pennies, right? So I’ll have you covered…

Discounts off all my resources, short courses, workshops, online and in-person events - WOWZER!

you time

There’d be no business without you, so give yourself some time to focus on YOU (Time which, btw, also benefits your business! - WIN-WIN or what?!)


What members are saying

“I don’t make time for creativity for creativity’s sake and I love being around other creative people and learning new creative practices (plus I did join partly cos of the interiors as that’s something I’ve always loved!)

— Karen, Photographer

“My area is getting quite competitive and I know I need to up my game, so I’m really excited to be part of the group, to learn new skills and start coming out of my comfort zone!”

— Rachel, Property Business owner

special offer price: £37 just £27/month

I would LOVE you to be part of it with me!

Kate x