Hi, I’m Kate.

I have a passion for design, an eye for detail, and a love of creativity.

My aim is to show how personality-packed interiors are available to us all, and how you can feel amazing in YOUR space when it truly represents YOU!

Good design & styling provides us with an environment in which we can thrive, and the same is true if you own an Airbnb / Holiday Rental business. Embracing the idea of designing with passion and personality means you will wow your guests, attract more bookings, and ultimately it gives you a thriving business!

Whichever category you fall under - homeowner or rental owner, I KNOW that designing with bold and brave choices is key. It’s always a journey and I love sharing it with you!

I wholeheartedly promote the ‘be different’ approach to interior design - how else will your personality shine through? But I understand that this requires a certain amount of trust, commitment, and bravery. And that’s where I come in - to help you.

Just remember:

being brave doesn’t have to be scary - but it will always be very rewarding!

After my initial career as an Editor in the world of Book Publishing, I retrained in Textiles and Surface Pattern Design, winning a New Designers Award in 2005. Then followed my real-life design education, working as a stylist for multiple advertising studios, running my own business as a designer-maker of interior accessories, and now as an interior designer.

I also work as a creativity coach promoting and igniting creativity in everyone (yes, even you!). If you’d like to know more, please visit my website:


More facts about me…

  • I love nothing more than being surrounded by the mountains!

  • My favourite season is Autumn. Hands down the best time of year!

  • I have been a vegetarian all my life - never tried meat!

  • My family’s initials spell out IKEA (completely not planned, but I reckon we should get a discount)

  • I once moved the position of my bed while deep in sleep (I also sleep-talk A LOT!)


Trying any kind of art & craft, woolly hats & scarves, shrimp & banana sweets (yum!), playing with language (I have a degree in Linguistics), creativity of all kinds, & mint choc chip ice cream.


coffee (i wish i did!), rudeness, warm fruit, cleaning (I like things clean, I just don’t enjoy doing it!), blue cheese, inequality, the education system & the smell of bacon.