5 interior design planning tips for your Airbnb Rental

It’s one thing for me to say that you NEED to plan ahead of time with your interior design of your short term rental / Airbnb, but its another to actually know WHAT EXACTLY you need to plan!

So this post should give you an insight into what I would suggest you think about ahead of time, in order to ensure you are able to charge a PREMIUM RATE for your fantastically designed and styled holiday rental accommodation!

1. Spatial Planning

If you’re making structural changes, its obvious to make sure you have ‘the right’ amount of space - not too small, but also not too big! Plan out the space, physically, IN PERSON, using anything you can to represent the walls, and move around in the space; imagine yourself using the room. Does it actually ‘work’?

2. furniture layout

It may seem crazy to plot out on the floor exactly where all your furniture will go, but it really makes a difference. Pay attention to furniture which requires space around it, and any items with doors - will they open fully? Will they be in the way of anything else?

3. Placement of Utilities (Plumbing & Electric)

Don’t leave the positioning of radiators or light fittings to your plumber/electrician. While they may put some consideration into it, they won’t have your vision for the property so won’t know exactly what your intentions are in terms of furniture layout. So again, plan this carefully. Just moving a radiator a couple of inches can make all the difference if you want that desk to fit perfectly in a particular space, or it will ensure that there is ample space for a bookcase, which wouldn’t have fitted otherwise.

4. Design Concept/Colour Scheme

In order to create a feeling of coherence in your property, everything should flow. This means, everything is linked and ‘considered’. A design concept & colour scheme give direction and focus to your interior choices (so no more last minute panics!), ensuring you choose furniture and fittings which complement each other and come together in the finished product perfectly.

5. Plan for the ‘Wow Factor!’

Finally, you need your property to stand out, so this is an important point. Think about elements which might wow your audience - this could be anything from the practicalities of a utility room in an otherwise small property; the fitted wardrobes giving more than enough storage space; or more aesthetic touches like a full mural wall or an oversized chandelier. What will be the thing that they tell their friends about? Make it impressive to your target market. If you don’t think about this ahead of time, you’ll miss the opportunity to create it and miss out on FREE PUBLICITY when they take photos of your WOW FACTOR room and share it with all their friends!

So there you have it - a quick ‘5 Things to Plan’ which will set those maximised profits well in your sights for this upcoming summer season, but GET GOING NOW! 

Make sure you’re not  saying ‘ah next time I’ll do that’ or ‘hmmm, I should’ve thought of that sooner’ by implementing these ideas and planning your route to:






Please visit and connect with me on Facebook or instagram @bebraveinteriors.

I’d love to see anything your do in your Airbnb which you’ve taken from my ideas - please share and tag me in.


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