The demise of the feature wall
A feature wall, by definition, should be a ‘feature’ - it should stand out, attract the eye immediately, and wow the viewer, but it still needs to TIE IN with a fully designed scheme and link in / ‘flow’ within the space. It shouldn’t hit you in the face in a bad way, in a jarring way. It shouldn’t be seen as ‘oh they’ve done a feature wall but nothing else’. Which is what I think comes across in many Serviced Accommodation / Airbnbs at the moment. So how do we remedy this problem?

Your photos are your ’Shop Window’ - and why that matters for the profitability of your business.
WITHOUT AN OUTSTANDING ‘SHOP WINDOW’ i.e. interior design & photography, you will have no SA / Airbnb business! It doesn’t matter how good your property is, or how perfect it would be for your guests - they will never know this UNLESS YOU SHOW THEM in your photos and WITH A WOW interior design!
THEN you can explain more and tell them why they need it, finally SECURING THAT BOOKING.
It’s so simple a point to make, but one which so many property investors/developers fail to factor in to their budgets and schedules. Don’t let that be you!

Is ‘Luxury’ the New ‘Standard’ in Serviced Accommodation?
With so many Serviced Accommodation properties claiming to be ‘luxury’, I believe that the term has lost its sheen. It’s no longer the glistening promise it once was. Now we expect nothing less than ‘luxury’. So as SA operators, you have to stay AHEAD OF THE GAME. Interior design is the answer to this problem. It can help to maximise your profits by ensuring you stand out from the crowd, and enable you to increase your nightly rates and therefore your occupancy.

Embrace colour and stand out (in the world of Airbnbs & Holiday lets)
Colour can impact your profits! Did you know?! It can make you stand out in a world of average Airbnbs, and ensure YOUR PROPERTY is the one your potential guests click on.
So I’ve decided to go the FULL RAINBOW, and bring you a colourful visual feast! Use it as inspiration to inject a bit of colour into your Airbnb. Interior design for Airbnbs has never been so easy with these simple suggestions to wow your guests!

Why Interior Design has More Power to Increase your Profit than Anything Else
Do you feel like you’re just about SURVIVING in your Airbnb holiday rental business, when you should be THRIVING? May be you’re breaking even or making a small profit in most months, with a few lower than average months in the low season and a small peak of profit in high season? It’s ok, but not great.
And you’re at a loss to figure out why?
Interior Design could be the answer to all your problems!